Queering Freyja’s Valkyrie

Fifth in my Queering Deities series is ‘Queering Freya’s Valkyrie’, posed for by Leo. This Valkyrie is the herald and warrior of Norse goddess Freya, with a bindrune of her name and tattoos of protection on their arms, and Freya’s feathered cloak billowing behind them. In the wild winds of the Orkney landscape, the Valkyrie’s hair rises like a winged helmet, and in their hand is a seidr wand with which they work their magic. Leo, who is non-binary, had this to say about their connection to the Valkyrie:

“My connection with the Valkyries comes through from work I did with Freya. Although many people think of them as working for Odin and collecting the warriors fallen in battle, what is less well known is that Freya gets first choice of the fallen warriors.

I knew that I had been a Viking warrior in previous lives already, probably several times. Sometimes I was male, sometimes female, often both, but every time I was collected by the Valkyrie for Freya’s Hall.

One time in a Journey, when the Valkyrie collected me they asked me if I wanted to become one of them, of course I said yes! I knew I had a hard road ahead to learn and initiate, but I also knew it was right for me. I am genderqueer and my gender feels like one of my strengths/beauties/powers; I harness all of the genders together in my body.

This is not just accepted by the Valkyrie, it is celebrated. I ride across the sky; beard, tits and cock, proud and magical.“

Copyright Nic Phillips 2022